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Top 5 benifits of MES(management execution) system

Manufacturing execution systems track a huge amount of data, producing real-time insights that can boost production efficiency and save costs.  Other benefits of an MES include:

00001. Improved quality control: As quality control information is transmitted in real time, companies with an MES can immediately halt production as soon as issues are identified. This reduces waste, scrap, overages, and re-work.

00002. Increased uptime: An MES generates realistic production schedules by balancing personnel, material, and equipment resources. It integrates scheduling and maintenance to maximize product flow and asset utilization – increasing uptime and improving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

00003. Reduced inventory: A manufacturing execution system updates inventory records with new production, scrap, and non-conforming material so that your purchasing, shipping, and scheduling departments know exactly what material is on hand at all times. This reduces just-in-case inventory and work-in-progress (WIP) inventory – saving money on manufacturing, transportation, storage, and inventory monitoring.

00004. Paperless shop floor: Eliminating paperwork means there is less chance for human error. It also means that the data recorded from the shop floor is immediately available to decision-makers across all integrated systems, to inform real-time decision-making.

00005. Improved product tracking and genealogy: An MES follows the entire production cycle from beginning to end, grouping final parts or batches with the corresponding manufacturing data. This data allows for improved regulatory compliance for manufacturers that must conform to government or industry regulations.


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